Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mariana Dimitrakopoulou

Oddysseas Drosos

Elinda Staikopoulou

Stella Kyranopoulou

Stella Banou

Stella Tsantekidou

Lazaros-Marios-Konstantinos Chalkias

Thanos Petkakis

Zacharias Papazachariou

Amalia Moula

Iliana Magra

Vaso Papadopoulou

Eva Kasapaki

Marialena Saraidari

Aliki Petsiava

Christiana Avarli

Christoforos Siakkas

Marina Moschoviti

But the journey never ends...

Their farewell MUN - Class of 2012

Achilleas Vrantzas

     It all began some years ago. Many ambitious students who wanted to start their MUN career. They served as delegates, chairs, directors, moderators and now as the organizing committee of the whole Anatolia College Model United Nations. Almost 20 people involved in the whole procedure will say goodbye to the school MUN editions as they are now graduating from Anatolia. Students from both Anatolia High Schools but from the IB program as well were also involved in the ACMUN for many years and we couldn’t help but wonder: what is it going to happen when they all leave?

     Certain students take part in the annual ACMUN leaving their own sign in it. For many years they have helped a lot in the procedure and now we have to say goodbye to them….

General Assembly <3

 by: Celia Tsapalou, Anny Miliara, Axilleas Vrantzas

         While the ACMUN draws to an end, the press team went to the General Assembly, which was held in Tracy Hall. All the country representatives gathered outside Tracy waiting to get inside in order to take their seats to begin the process. After a while, when the Administrative staff ushered them to their places, the General Assembly started. The secretariat prepared a resolution on the “Reconstruction of the UN”, which was addressed to all delegates of all the GA committees.

       Firstly, the president of the General Assembly read out the resolution and they proceeded to formal debate. A list of 15 ambassadors picked randomly to talk about the topic had been prepared and took some of the delegates by surprise! The delegation of DR of Congo took the floor to present their amendment, which proposed to strike clause 18, and it passed. Several similar opinions were heard by the numerous countries who took the floor. Afterwards, there was another motion to present an amendment which was overruled by the deputy director and they proceeded to moderated caucus.
      In general, the first hour was not a really active one, as the delegates were being rather noisy and not very eager to make points of information. We couldn’t help but notice that there were many inappropriate notes which contained flirty messages and compliments from one delegate to another!

   In the second hour, the amendments started to pullulate, as a lot of countries, such as Pakistan and Brazil, introduced one. It has to be mentioned that especially the ambassador of Brazil was really talkative, and he was eager to take the floor and express his points of view a number of times! Generally, the procedure was conducted harmonically and the delegates were really willing to make a fruitful debate and find far-reaching solutions to the issue.

     In the last hours, something really unexpected took place! The ambassador of Pakistan stated that they would actually resign from the UN, unless they were given a permanent seat in the Security Council. What is more, they also requested to expand their nuclear weaponry. Their demands were denied, and as a result, Pakistan declared its withdrawal from the UN. Negotiations between Pakistan and the secretary general will be made, in order for Pakistan to rejoin the UN on some conditions. Let’s hope for the best for the hours that remain! 

Awards yeahhhhh!!!

by Dimitris Giannopoulos

Many amendments,  a lot of debating and finally a bunch of clashes. The main submitter today was the delegation of China. This delegation was mainly referring to and arguing about the right that the citizens of Kosovo are free to decide whether they want to be independent or not, whether they want to belong to Serbia or not. But is this the main topic of the committee or not? Will the countries conclude somewhere? There are many possible solutions, but the countries don’t seem to agree on anything common. The Russian Federation though declares that it is upset with all the speeches. As you understand, it is not going to be an easy one. As the chairs mentioned, it was a committee that consisted of active delegates of which some were new and others had already experienced MUNs before. We can now move to the final part, which can somehow describe the last day in a MUN event; yes, I am talking about the funny awards each committee gives to the delegates. So here we have the awards of the Administrative and Budgetary committee:
1)      Hottest Male: Delegate of Spain

2)      Hottest Female: Delegate of Nigeria

3)      Mr & Mrs Committee: Delegates of Brazil & Canada

4)      Most Annoying Delegate: Delegate of Brazil

5)      Most likely to end up in prison: Delegate of Malta

6)      Most likely to end up in the UN: Delegate of Brazil

7)      Funniest Delegate: Delegate of Malta

8)      Best Dressed Delegate: Delegate of Poland

Tensions are high in the Security council!

Today as a dream team (and yes I mean both of us, Elina and Dimitris) we are attending the Security Council committee. The first one was being discussed for more than two hours and it finally passed! So many amendments, so many speeches, so many points of information! China and Russia were going to veto but in the end they seemed to be in a good mood, after yesterday’s exhausting conference. No speech, though, by the beautiful Colombian delegate, but a lot of note passing. Do not let us down! Delegates laugh and seem to enjoy every moment of ACMUN! The delegate of China isn’t satisfied as easily.  Does Germany form an “alliance” with Russia? That’s interesting. In the second clause discussed today the P-5 (the five countries that can veto) look like they are not going to end up with a good conclusion for all the delegations of the committee. Generally, a bunch of amendments passed while others did not. There was a lot of voting as well. The main question about all the clauses, amendments etc. is the following: Is China going to veto? Is the situation going to change tomorrow?

by: George Petkakis

This is the last day of the questioning and evidence collecting in the International Court of Justice. The atmosphere is tense and the heat is striking, as are the questions of the judges when addressing the advocates of the two countries. It’s Senegal against Belgium on the case of Hissen Habre, the former president of Chad (1982-1990) who authorized tens of thousands of political and other murders, of which the exact number is unknown. Habre overthrew Oueddei, President of Chad at that period of time, in a coup, while backed by the CIA. For the next 8 years, until his deposition, chaos and disorder ruled the country of Chad, murder was a plain sight and the public was excessively agitated. And after being overthrown twenty-one years ago, Habre hasn’t been put to trial yet. He is accused of several crimes, most of which violate Human Rights, and the trial is more than urgent. This is where the ICJ comes in. Belgium demands that Senegal releases Habre into its custody in order for a more unbiased trial to be conducted. Senegal refuses, as they believe that Habre should be put on trial in Senegal and his extraction is not at all necessary. The International Court of Justice is currently discussing, questioning, investigating and taking sides in order to reach a legitimate verdict on the matter. On the one hand, Senegal wishes to keep Habre and wait for funds in order to carry out the trial properly, funds which will probably come from the African Union or the European Union, or some combination thereof but not necessarily limited thereto. On the other hand, Belgium demands the extraction of Habre into Belgium, the Capital of the European Union in order to conduct the trial there. Senegal, however, refuses to give him in as they are waiting for funds provided either by the UN or the EU. The Judges don’t seem to be biased at all, even though they are asking more questions to Belgium than Senegal, but that is probably coincidental. The Court has had a very heated debate for the past days as the analysis and the thorough investigation of the evidence, the lengthy questioning of the witnesses has sparked and reignited the debate several times and has made the process time consuming but extremely productive and helpful to the final outcome. In general, the Judges, the Advocates and especially the Presidents of the ICJ were excellently dressed, something that promoted the idea of formal and serious debate throughout the conference. The ICJ as a whole showed great interest in the topic and there was mutual respect among the people that the Court consisted of. Apart from the misunderstandings that arose, such as the question of whether the Courts in Belgium have International Jurisdiction, something that the Advocates defending Senegal seemed not to be aware of, the debate was most fruitful and the entire court seemed satisfied and fulfilled just before the judges were about to make their final decision.

Controversial opinions create tension…

By Andriana Bouzaki

While I was walking to go to the top of the building (Art Room), I was scared. But when I got in the classroom, I saw that all delegates were participating and that helped me forget my anxiety and do my work. The social humanitarian and cultural committee calls upon every UN member state to reconsider its policies and privileges that have been given to LGBTs, which are homosexual relationships, marriage, and adopting children in a homosexual marriage. "Any kind of homosexual activity is not only a sin but also a crime against god in every religion and the words of god are stronger than the one’s of humans" , this was the opinion of some delegations as Pakistan. They discussed about adopting children by homosexual couples, some argued that should not exist under any circumstances. Some delegates argued that the nature of every human being is not created to have homosexual activity which might contribute to the transfer of HIV.  Although Italy, Germany, Australia, United States, Russian Federation and Colombia were against this resolution and they all believed that every human is free and homosexuality as an issue is not simple but completely legal to some countries, homosexual  individuals can marry and exist, they are humans with rights and those countries completely disagreed and cannot understand why people kill homosexuals. Estonia and Iceland felt the same way about this issue; they thought it was an interesting and controversial topic that is very important in our days. “We have to be friendly towards LGBT people and all the countries must support their rights as they are human! We have to make LGBT individuals equal with the others!” they both said in the interview. Furthermore, Peru was very headstrong and the only one who participated all the time by making many questions. The Netherlands, Syria, Colombia, Pakistan and Germany spoke a lot too. Although it was the last day, I believe they enjoy it! Hope people will go again to human rights committee and have a great time! *Girls don’t forget to wear flat shoes because walking all the way upstairs to the top of Macedonia Hall is not the easiest thing to do!

Helen Koliais, a friend from the past!

by: Achilleas Vrantzas

     Ladies and gentlemen: she is back! A genuinely happy person who brings happiness with her smile is back at ACMUN. Ms. Koliais was a teacher at Anatolia College and an MUN advisor for more than 10 years. I met her and asked her some questions about her overall experience at Anatolia.

     First of all, she thinks it is very pleasant to come back to school and meet all her past students. What makes her more excited is that she is not stressed, now that she does not have any responsibilities with the conference or her lessons. Ms. Koliais’ MUN journey started back in 1998 when she, along with Ms. Kastritsis, went to the DSAMUN in Athens. The very next year she took a group of students to the Harvard MUN in Boston, where a student of hers told her that “if we want to have MUN, we need to have a club in order to do it every year.” This was the time when the MUN started as a club at Anatolia. After that she was taking students to one or two MUNs per year and eventually in 2006 they started the Anatolia College Model United Nations.

     What she has learned after all these MUN experiences is geography! She represented countries that she had never heard of before so she had to find out more about each and she also learned a lot of new things from the various topics that they had to discuss for the MUNs. The exciting part is that when she started the MUN club there were only 4 students in the club when now there are more than 150. MUN has been an enjoyable journey for her, which has given her a lot of new knowledge and pleasure.

Interviewing the Director of the ACMUN, Mr. Pieter Derluyn

By Achilleas Vrantzas 

What is it like to be a first-time director of the ACMUN?
It is very exciting, very tiring as well, because when you are doing something for the first you think you have prepared everything really well, but there are things that happen at the moment right there, right then and you can’t actually prepare them and it is something that I need to let go of it sometimes. I feel like a week before the conference started, I was thinking “what will happen?”, I felt this insecurity. This week however I felt relaxed because I had accepted the fact that it is organized well. I am pleased with it.  Of course things can improve, but the most important thing was that this week I was relaxed.

How has being involved in various MUNs enabled you to learn about how students see the world?
I have been an advisor many times for MUNs and I have noticed that an advisor should never underestimate a student’s opinion, but he should also never underestimate a student’s interest. Sometimes I see students in the classroom and I am not sure if they are interested in what I have to say. Ok, I sometimes get carried away in classes as well, but I have noticed that in some cases when I really explain what is going on and I answer questions or we start debating on a topic then students are actually interested as long as they get a proper explanation. I think it is amazing that we tend to think that sometimes the students are not that interested when they actually are.

What do you think about ACMUN compared to other MUNs at which you have been an advisor?
Each MUN is different and I cannot judge our MUN to other MUNs because I am working from the inside now. I think our MUN is very well organized but I have the impression from other MUNs as well. Some MUNs are really well organized. I remember I was amazed with the Junior MUN this past November. They inspired me to make some changes as well to our MUN. I love also the Paris MUN because it is a huge MUN. There are so many MUNs that are really well organized. It is so hard to judge them because each MUN has a different style, a different format. The nice thing about the MUNs after going to different MUNs is that you take ideas for your own MUNs and you try to make something that pleases you.

Students benefit from the Model United Nations conferences. Do you think advisors benefit as well?
I think advisors do as well. As an advisor you look into things, you have to prepare students, you give them advice, so you find out a little bit more about the topic but the biggest benefit for me is seeing some students who are in a different environment less outspoken and all of a sudden in an MUN you see a boy or girl to flourish, to improve so much. You give a student the opportunity and they do not only take the opportunity and do something with it but they also excel with it. These things are some that when I get home I tell my family “Today that student did something that I would never expect it from them”. When you see students to put your advice to good use then there is nothing more an advisor could wish for.

What is the source of your own personal interest in MUNs?
The source of my interest in MUNs is international politics and history. I am a bit of a history buff, my students know that, they don’t always like it, I know but I feel like if you look into history, into politics, into geography, into economics, MUN combines all of them in one and you can actually teach all of these. Of course, I am not an economics teacher or a history teacher, but I have some knowledge about it and I can actually talk to students about it; this is what I like the most. Then students give me feedback and all of a sudden I get a new side of something because students somehow make connections that I have never made before and that is what excites me the most about it.

Interviewing the chair of the Historical Committee, Stella Kyranopoulou

By Magda Dimitriadou

What made you choose to become a chair in the Historical committee? 
I am an IB student and in the IB program I have taken several courses about history in which I am really interested. So my passion for history got combined with my passion for debate and historical committee was the ideal option. I chose to be a chair since I have tried the role of a delegate several times and I wanted a new experience.

Do you plan to develop the MUN career in University too? 
Yes I have been part of MUN for five years and I do not plan to leave it. MUN is a part of me and I would be very pleased to have the opportunity to practice it after I finish my academic career.

Have you considered choosing a career in the future relevant to MUN? 
Yes I want to study law and then International diplomacy.

In which universities do you aim studying?
I totally prefer Europe and I do not consider the U.S.A. as a choice.The most interesting choices I have considered so far is the Sorbonne University in France, or a wide variety of other universities in the U.K  

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Administrative and Budgetary committee

In favor, against or abstention?

by Elpida Kazantzidou and Anastasia Gounda

The Administrative and Budgetary committee was separated in two alliances; one supporting Brazil’s resolution and the other one USA’s resolution on the topic of the review of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects. Although initially the two alliances were equally supported by the delegations, through the debate and the exchange of delegates’ ideas, Brazil’s resolution superiority as far as structure, content and efficiency are concerned, became obvious. Brazil’s core points were the ensuring of financial support for LEDCs for the realization of the operations as well as the raise of public awareness and tolerance concerning international friction. Overall, the debate procedure included thorough, analytical discussion, disputes and agreements, a lot of amendments and points of information. It must, also, be pointed out that despite a sudden technical problem with the computer, the delegates’ interest in participating in the debate was not lessened at all. Because ‘PEACEKEEPING IS A FULL TIME JOB!’, as the delegate of Brazil, Konstantinos Zves, stated, repeating George Clooney’s words.



by Katia Pantsiou

Students from Greece, Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria and USA all gathered in Anatolia College of Thessaloniki campus, participated actively in the 7th Anatolia College Model United Nations having unforgettable experiences to remember and investing on their future, as they employ a variety of communication and critical thinking skills in order to represent the policies of their country. These skills include public speaking, group communication, research, policy analysis, active listening, negotiating, conflict resolution and note taking. They meet new people, get to know them and maybe become friends with each other and continue keeping contact after MUN ends. It’s a great opportunity to discuss with other people of your age, debate, consult and then develop solutions to global problems. Even if you don’t want to be a delegate, you should give it a try at least one time as administrative stuff, security stuff or as journalist. Any type of involvement will be beneficial for you. So stop hesitating and next time make sure you will be one of those 400 students who had the chance to enjoy the experience of ACMUN. Because all of us participating enjoy out time being here!

EU Council

Metaphorically speaking…

By Glyka Koukougiannidou and Eleni Kokkalou

The second issue discussed in the EU Council of Ministers was the Economy of the European Union. The delegates passed to voting procedure on the topic of whether they should prepare a speech within their alliances or not.
Suddenly, the Secretary General rushed into the room and announced that Spain had just been hit by an unexpected nuclear crisis. The delegates needed solutions for this crucial change. As a result, all the countries were involved in an extremely heated debate. The reason of the crisis was a nuclear meltdown that had occurred in the Vandellos Nuclear Power Plant. The plant is located close to the Coll de Balaguer pass in Catalonia, Spain. This debate was markedly different from the others because the countries did not cluster in alliances for a change. Instead, they engaged in group work and tried to form a safety net with a view to supporting Spain against the crisis.
The conclusion that was drawn from the delegates’ speech was that most European countries share similar opinions. All the countries emphasized the need to take immediate action before the damage gets out of hand. It is also noteworthy that France offered to help Spain and relations were reinforced between the neighboring states. Due to these gestures, the delegate of Spain offered a moving speech to thank all the countries for their solidarity.
On the whole, one could easily notice that the committee work in the EU Council provided a very productive atmosphere which fostered tempting and promising relationships between delegates. One could certainly feel there was flirt in the air...! We do not know the development of this love story yet ... to be continued, we hope.


Disarmament committee

What's going on in the Disarmament committee?

by Kelly Diolatzis
During the session of GA1 it was quite evident that the representatives of Senegal, Brazil and the Russian Federation were strongly supporting their thesis against PMCs and mercenaries. With several speeches they tried to convince all nations in the committee to cooperate with them in order to eliminate the use of PMCs. Furthermore it is important to mention that a great number of delegates that were in favor of the existence of PMCs commented in their interviews that the financial profits from such companies are more significant than the rights of people involved in such military companies. It is also worth mentioning that the delegates of Senegal, Brazil and the Russian Federation shared the same views. This could be easily understood since all of them agreed in two main points. Firstly that PMCs and mercenaries should be eliminated and investigated so as to combat illegal actions and secondly that we ought to protect civilians and their rights. Moreover, during the coffee break all three delegates commented in their interviews that their countries were, are and will be fighting against PMCs and mercenaries.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Infos about the Chairs!

Get to meet the Chairs!

By Marialena Saraidari

  1. Name Please!
  2. What MUN experience do you have?
  3. Which was the first MUN you took part in?
  4. Do you have a favorite song?
  5. Who’s the best celebrity?

  1. Juliana Symeonidou
  2. Seven MUNs
  3. JMUN 2009
  4. “Bohemian rhapsody”- Queen Yeah!
  5. Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff. He is from Glee so for all you fellow Gleeks give it up     for St. James!
Deputy Director:
  1. Argiris Doumas
  2. Three MUNs
  3. DSA MUN2010
  4. Definitely “The Perfect Circle” by Outsider
  5. Johnny Depp, who else ??
  1. Athina-Danai Agakidou
  2. Seven MUNs
  3. JMUN 2009
  4. “Paradise” by Coldplay and many many others!
  5. Tom Hanks mainly because of “Forest Gump” and “You’ve got mail” 

Fashion for all!

Ladies do it right!

By Adrianna Bouzaki

This article will inform you about the “fashion on the floor” at ACMUN, but will also offer you some tips regarding this year’s fashion trends. Girls, get ready!! Whether you prefer a classic outfit such as a business suit in neutral tones, or whether you like something more colorful and relaxed, you will find just the inspiration you need by reading this!
Some girls go for tailor-made   pieces, others for high street goods, while others live in brand names. No matter what the budget, I can suggest something that will look fabulous on you. Scroll through our electric mix of stylish MUN clothes. Feel great about yourself and your image by choosing looks that suit your figure and personality and create several winning combinations. Ready to get started….
#1st trend Androgyny:  Men become more like women, while women strive to look and act like men. Fashion just can’t ignore this global trend. As a result, we see mannish shirts, suits, boots, hats and high heels dominating the majority of fall/ winter 2011/2012 collections, notably Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Sonia Rykiel, Stella McCartney, Balenciaga and others…
#2nd trend Colors “Black is not the only color”: For colder days neutral or reserved colors such as black, brown, navy, cream and violet will always look good, but brighter shades like crimson, orange, purple and  sky blue look great too! Don’t be afraid to try new things!!
#3rd Coats: Coat designers have offered us diversity this season. Get up and running in a military coat from Versace, a youthful and sexy cropped trench from Burberry or a luxury coat from Gucci. Hermes favors wider poncho style coats. Just go for any shape you like!!
#4th “Heels and toes”: One issue that affects many girls is deciding what heels they are going to wear! Black high heels or bright creamy peep-toes?  Black ankle-boots or ballerinas? Try to find your own style of shoes and don’t forget to match them with the right clothes! Creamy colors will always look great but black and blue must match with specific ones!
#5th “DRESS with a dress”: Dresses are fashion fever nowadays. Many girls prefer to wear a black mini dress that will impress boys “in suits” but they also love putting on a simple dress with shoulder pads or perhaps something with a floral design in a striking color. Dresses are the easiest clothes to match with shoes.
Get ready for the fashion icon voting!!    

Historical committee

A classic…

By Anny Miliara

Once more, modern history is occupied by the same conflict: the USA vs. the Russian Federation, communism vs. capitalism. The cold war between  the USA and the USSR reached one of its peak moments in 1962, when the Cuban and the Russian leaders, after they claimed that they had been provoked by the US, installed missiles in Cuba, threatening the US coast. This is the so-called “Cuban Missile Crisis”.
Each delegate of the Historical Committee represents a leader of the countries involved in the incident, and they all have the responsibility to stand for what their historical personality did at the time. Although their task is quite demanding, this year’s delegates have been conducting an interesting and passionate debate. Obviously, the most active ones were the representatives of the US, Cuba and the USSR, but also Romania. Interestingly enough, after Cuba stated that they would proceed to a nuclear war if the US threatened to remove the missiles, the US delegate declared that they never planned to invade. There has also been a question on whether the act of planting nuclear weapons was a defensive or an offensive move. The day ends with the threat of a crisis for the Historical Committee…

Interview of the Deputy Secretary General

Interviewing the Deputy President of the General Assembly, Stella Tsantekidou 

By Achilleas Vrantzas 
So Stella… your farewell MUN, what do you think about it?
Oh well, we have been preparing for a year now. This is the result of all the hard work that we have been doing for all these past months and I sincerely couldn’t have been more excited!

       That’s great! So tell me, in how many MUNs have you participated and in which ones?
This will be my 10th Model United Nations conference. I have participated in several Anatolia College Model United Nations as well as Thessaloniki MUNs but I have also participated in the Deutsche Schule Athens MUN, in the JMUN and the Harvard MUN.

In what ways have they helped you during all those years?
First of all, they helped me to find myself, they helped me to find the self-confidence that teenagers usually lack, they have changed my personal beliefs, my political beliefs, they have helped me in deciding what kind of career I want to pursue and they even helped me to make the decision to study to the IB program instead of the Greek High School.

Great! Are you going to continue being involved in any MUN in the future?
Of course! I don’t believe that such a huge part of my life can be abandoned as easily as that.

Where are you going to study?
I have been accepted by the University of Kent and I am very happy about that. Although I haven’t received answers from all the universities that I have applied I will most probably choose to go to the United Kingdom.

Do you think that you will have opportunities there to participate in MUNs?
I hope so!

Alright! Could you tell me what your position is in this year’s MUN?
In this year’s Model United Nations I am the Deputy President of the General Assembly. First of all, I am chairing the GA along with my Co-Chair President of the General Assembly, Zacharias Papazachariou. I should also mention that since ACMUN is a student-run conference, the organizing committee and the Secretariat who are the seniors members of the organizing committee are the ones who have to organize everything along with our advisor of the MUN Mr. Pieter Derluyn. You should know that whatever you see here is the result of the work that has been done by the organizing committee.

Congratulations to all of you. I want to ask you, having participated as a delegate, as a chair and as a member of the Secretariat, which of all of them did you enjoy the most?
Well, first of all let me tell you that MUN is a journey and as with all journeys it has many places through which you must pass to reach your final destination. When I began participating in the MUN I had no idea that I would reach the level that I am at right now. I believe that each position has its own charm. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the positions I have been given but I have to say that there is nothing more fulfilling than looking at the conference and saying “Ok! This, is partly mine!”.

If you had to go back to all the MUNs that you have participated in, which one would you consider the best?
My first one, DSAMUN. I was 15 years old back then, I had never been to another MUN, and I was sent to Athens. I was an ambassador in the political committee, which is quite a difficult position for a first timer but, you know, the people I met there, the friendships I have made, the way the chairs and advisors helped me and the way I co-operated with my fellow delegates was what ultimately made me believe that I should continue participating in the MUN.

Thank you for your time Stella, I hope that you enjoy this experience!
Thank you!

Political committee

Still worrying about Tibet?

By Elina Sournopoulou and Dimitris Giannopoulos

We’re now attending the political committee where the delegations are discussing two really interesting topics. The first one has to do with the sovereignty of Tibet and the second one with progression towards the democratization of governments, and measures preventing coups d’état. This is going to be a tough one. Alliances have been formed, and the main submitters of the resolution seem to be China and the United States of America. China and the countries of the first alliance are trying to convince the second alliance’s delegates to vote against the sovereignty of Tibet. Are their plans going to work or not? We are all waiting for an answer. Apart from this, the chairs, pretty Marianna and thoughtful Odysseus, have been fairly helpful and the delegates have reached a positive conclusion. The sovereignty of Tibet has been a conflict since 1914 and it is believed that Tibet does not have an independent economy or policy. Now the delegations are moving to the final part. We expect great speeches and we are all very anxious.

A new ACMUN has come...


The first day of ACMUN 2012 has officially begun and I hope you're enjoying it!
I know from personal experience that it can be a little tedious but you will definitely gain more than you can even imagine right now. Just be sociable and try to befriend most of your co-delegates and the time will fly. Imagine all the things you will have learnt by the end of these three days, the experience you'll gain in debating, the new people you'll meet and the good food you'll eat! So it is really worth it!
And a final piece of advice from the press team : have FUN, that's what counts!!!