Saturday, February 18, 2012

EU Council

Metaphorically speaking…

By Glyka Koukougiannidou and Eleni Kokkalou

The second issue discussed in the EU Council of Ministers was the Economy of the European Union. The delegates passed to voting procedure on the topic of whether they should prepare a speech within their alliances or not.
Suddenly, the Secretary General rushed into the room and announced that Spain had just been hit by an unexpected nuclear crisis. The delegates needed solutions for this crucial change. As a result, all the countries were involved in an extremely heated debate. The reason of the crisis was a nuclear meltdown that had occurred in the Vandellos Nuclear Power Plant. The plant is located close to the Coll de Balaguer pass in Catalonia, Spain. This debate was markedly different from the others because the countries did not cluster in alliances for a change. Instead, they engaged in group work and tried to form a safety net with a view to supporting Spain against the crisis.
The conclusion that was drawn from the delegates’ speech was that most European countries share similar opinions. All the countries emphasized the need to take immediate action before the damage gets out of hand. It is also noteworthy that France offered to help Spain and relations were reinforced between the neighboring states. Due to these gestures, the delegate of Spain offered a moving speech to thank all the countries for their solidarity.
On the whole, one could easily notice that the committee work in the EU Council provided a very productive atmosphere which fostered tempting and promising relationships between delegates. One could certainly feel there was flirt in the air...! We do not know the development of this love story yet ... to be continued, we hope.


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