Sunday, February 19, 2012

Controversial opinions create tension…

By Andriana Bouzaki

While I was walking to go to the top of the building (Art Room), I was scared. But when I got in the classroom, I saw that all delegates were participating and that helped me forget my anxiety and do my work. The social humanitarian and cultural committee calls upon every UN member state to reconsider its policies and privileges that have been given to LGBTs, which are homosexual relationships, marriage, and adopting children in a homosexual marriage. "Any kind of homosexual activity is not only a sin but also a crime against god in every religion and the words of god are stronger than the one’s of humans" , this was the opinion of some delegations as Pakistan. They discussed about adopting children by homosexual couples, some argued that should not exist under any circumstances. Some delegates argued that the nature of every human being is not created to have homosexual activity which might contribute to the transfer of HIV.  Although Italy, Germany, Australia, United States, Russian Federation and Colombia were against this resolution and they all believed that every human is free and homosexuality as an issue is not simple but completely legal to some countries, homosexual  individuals can marry and exist, they are humans with rights and those countries completely disagreed and cannot understand why people kill homosexuals. Estonia and Iceland felt the same way about this issue; they thought it was an interesting and controversial topic that is very important in our days. “We have to be friendly towards LGBT people and all the countries must support their rights as they are human! We have to make LGBT individuals equal with the others!” they both said in the interview. Furthermore, Peru was very headstrong and the only one who participated all the time by making many questions. The Netherlands, Syria, Colombia, Pakistan and Germany spoke a lot too. Although it was the last day, I believe they enjoy it! Hope people will go again to human rights committee and have a great time! *Girls don’t forget to wear flat shoes because walking all the way upstairs to the top of Macedonia Hall is not the easiest thing to do!

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