Interviewing the chair of the
Historical Committee, Stella Kyranopoulou
By Magda Dimitriadou
I am an IB student and in the IB program I have taken several courses about history in which I am really interested. So my passion for history got combined with my passion for debate and historical committee was the ideal option. I chose to be a chair since I have tried the role of a delegate several times and I wanted a new experience.
Do you plan to develop the MUN career
in University too?
Yes I have been part of MUN for five years and I do not plan to leave it. MUN is a part of me and I would be very pleased to have the opportunity to practice it after I finish my academic career.
Yes I have been part of MUN for five years and I do not plan to leave it. MUN is a part of me and I would be very pleased to have the opportunity to practice it after I finish my academic career.
Have you considered choosing a career in the future relevant to MUN?
Yes I want to study law and then International diplomacy.
Yes I want to study law and then International diplomacy.
In which universities do you aim
I totally prefer Europe and I do not consider the U.S.A.
as a choice.The most interesting choices I have considered so far is the
Sorbonne University in France, or a wide variety of other universities in the
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